Sage Haven Eastern Medicine
San Diego, CA

Our Story and Our “Why”

Sage Haven opened its doors on June 1st, 2021. We are more than just another “acupuncture clinic” - we are your safe space for deep healing and transformation. We are a team of dedicated, heart-centered healers who will find the root cause of your symptoms and help you to heal and thrive.

Our “why” is each and every one of you that we get the honor to support and transform, and the impact that we have on our incredible community.

We are here to help you heal from some deep sh*t, regulate your nervous system, and become the highest and healthiest version of yourself. We provide customized, integrative treatments rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, as well as coaching and education at each session. We are your hype girls, your cheerleaders, and the team that will hold you accountable to hitting your wellness goals.

All of our providers hold the highest level of education in our field, and most up to date and comprehensive training in Chinese Medicine and Holistic Aesthetics. We are absolutely obsessed with this medicine, and have helped facilitate thousands of transformations within the Greater San Diego community since 2021.

We believe that this medicine is what is missing from our greater medical and healthcare system. It is our passion, our purpose and our honor to support you, just as we have helped thousands before you.

We hope that today is the day that you decide to take action to transform your health and your life. We hope that one day you find your own success story within our four walls, and that you feel so proud of how far you have come. This is your sign to take the first step - we will be with you all the way through. 


To your most radiant health,

Dr. Cassie Dominach
Owner + Founder: Sage Haven

“A good doctor first treats at the level of the spirit, the lowest doctor treats the disease.”

— Huang De Nei Jing